
The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander
The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander

Triple check EVERYTHING you read against scientific journals, folklore, history, etc. The best advice I can offer you is to read critically. I am reaching out to the witch community to see what they have to say and think it would make a really great blog post in light of current events. Honestly, every book I have read has had issues. Brandy Williams does a great job explaining this issue further, with some wonderful additional reads sprinkled throughout her post. And finally, she suggests at one point to appease an undine to "pour into a stream, lake, or other body of water." Please do not do this. Furthermore, Alexander refers to magic using the antiquated idea of black and white magic, which is rooted in racism. Some people have more than one, while others spend much of their lives searching for their one. She makes it seem like you can pick your spirit animal to aid in certain magic, but in most traditions, the animal picks you and stays with you it doesn't change because you are casting a protection spell instead of a love spell. She has written a book on spirit animals, but I am not so sure she knows what she is talking about, at least not in this book. There is also a section on "spirit" animals that bothered me. As well written and researched the book is, this section is false. This is part of the reason it has 4.5 stars. Second, she lumped hedgewitches in with kitchen witches, a mistake many authors seem to make that drives me INSANE! Hedgewitches and kitchen witches are NOT the same things, although she does mention shamanism and trances, common practices in hedgecraft. There isn't a bunch of history in this book as its focused on witchcraft today so you don't have too much to worry about in that regard. However, always take caution when it comes to a history lesson. I'm no expert on the history of witchcraft so I can't say for sure how accurate the information is in this book, but Skye is a reputable author and I assume she has done her homework. First of all, I'd take the history with a grain of salt. So let's talk about what I didn't like before delving into all the great things about it.

The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander